Friday, March 30, 2007

FLEFF Takes To The Town!

FLEFF opened downtown tonight to a sold out showing of 'Black Gold' at Cinemapolis. I was welcomed at the door with live music that had me dancing all the way to my seat. I was feeling a little FLEFFed out after five days of non-stop events on campus, but after arriving at Cinemapolis tonight I felt so re-energized. I am looking forward to using the rest of my festival pass downtown this weekend.

The film was followed by an engaging panel discussion about fair trade and the coffee industry. For more information on the movie and how you can take action, check out the movie site at

"Our hope is one day the consumer will understand what they are drinking. It is not only on coffee, all products are getting a very low price - and the producers are highly affected."
- TADESSE MESKELA, Oromia Coffee Farmers Co-operative Union

Fall Creek and Cinemapolis have full schedules this weekend screening FLEFF films... but don't miss out on the other events in the theaters, especially the panel discussion tomorrow morning "How to Get Your Break in the Big (and Little) Metropoli" at Fall Creek, 11:00 am!

Kelly O'Brien
FLEFF Intern Extraordinaire

1 comment:

Simon said...

woo hoo! Wish I could be there!